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Product Terms and Conditions

Product Terms and Conditions

How to read these Terms and Conditions

Our products and services (and their respective terms and conditions) can vary according to location. To help you more easily access the right terms for your situation, we have prepared:

  1. Common Terms that apply to all locations; plus

  2. Country specific terms relating to ad types and ad budgets, which you will need to read depending on your situation. In particular:

    1. available ad types (and their respective terms and conditions) can vary depending on where a role is located;  

    2. available ad budget types (and their respective terms and conditions) can vary according to your contracting location;

    3. available add-ons or additional features (and their respective terms and conditions) can vary depending on where a role is located; and

    4. available Trial Products (as defined in section 3 below) (and their respective terms and conditions) can vary depending on where a role is located.

It is important that you read and understand the Common Terms plus the country specific terms of your home location and any other relevant location (e.g. if you post an ad for a role located in another country).

Common Terms (all locations)

a. These Product Terms and Conditions (Terms) will bind both the relevant individual and any business or organisation they represent (or claim to represent) and references to “you” and “your” (and related terms) should be read accordingly.

b. SEEK Group means SEEK Limited (ABN 46 080 075 314) and its related bodies corporate, as defined by the Australian Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). References to “we” and “us” (and related terms) mean the SEEK Group unless otherwise stated.

a. Where you post a job advertisement (also known as an ‘ad’) on our SEEK, JobStreet by SEEK (excluding JobStreet Express) and JobsDB by SEEK branded employment websites and apps (collectively, our websites and apps), your ad will appear in relevant candidate search results according to the search terms used and other search criteria, such as role location.

b. In the event that a candidate’s search criteria:

  • specifies a role location – relevant ads for that location will be surfaced on our websites and apps;

  • does not specify role location – only relevant ads for roles located in the candidate’s location (as determined by the website or app on which they are searching or other location indicators) will be surfaced.

c. Unless stated otherwise, job ads remain posted on our websites and apps for 30 days from the time of posting (unless removed earlier).

d. Some of our job ads are variably priced and prices are subject to change from time to time. For more information, please see the “Ad Types” section for the country in which your role is located.

e. After you commit to purchasing an ad, a Trial Product, add-ons or additional features, you are obliged to pay the full price stated, even if you subsequently request the withdrawal of your ad, a Trial Product, add-ons or additional features (including before the scheduled expiry date).

f. Where you post a job ad to more than one location (including by use of the “Add Locations” or similar functionality, if it is available), each location will be posted as a separate job ad and you are obliged to pay the full price for each job ad.

g. Subject to the variation of terms provisions in these Terms and the Advertising Terms of Use, we reserve the right to:

  • add new ad types or modify / remove any existing ad types (including naming and features);

  • add new Ad Budget types or modify / remove any existing Ad Budget types (including naming and features);

  • add new add-ons or additional features or modify / remove any existing add-ons or additional features (including naming and features); and

  • add new Trial Products (as defined in section 3 below) or modify / remove any Trial Products (including naming and features).

From time to time, we may offer new products, services, add-ons and features which are still in the testing phase (each a Trial Product). By using or purchasing a Trial Product, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this section 3 (Trial Terms).

a. We are providing the Trial Product on an “as is” or “as available” basis and you agree that your access to, and testing of, each Trial Product is at your sole risk.

b. We encourage you to maintain and protect all data and information that is retrieved, extracted, transformed, loaded, stored or otherwise processed by the relevant Trial Product. You assume all risks and all costs associated with the use of the Trial Product, including any costs required to backup and restore any software, data and information that is lost or corrupted as a result of your use of the Trial Product.

c. You acknowledge and agree that we may alter the Trial Product once it progresses out of the testing stage.

d. You acknowledge and agree that we are under no obligation to release a commercial version of any Trial Product and we have the right to abandon development of a Trial Product at any time.

a. We may allow you to present a list of questions to candidates as part of their application process on our websites and apps to assist you in candidate selection (Screen). Screen may not be available for all ad types.

b. Screen is available to attach to ads within the corresponding job classification(s).

c. You may store your questionnaire in a library for future use however you must attach it to each ad you post and it will only work in conjunction with active ads.

d. If Screen is available and subject to clause 4e) of the ‘Common Terms’ section, you are entitled to eight “Standard Screening Questions” and three “Custom Screening Questions” at no cost per ad (the latter will be enabled by us on request). No further Standard Screening Questions or Custom Screening Questions can be added. ⁠ ⁠⁠A Standard Screening Question is one of the questions referred to as “Common questions” in the job ad creation process. ⁠ ⁠A Custom Screening Question is a question of up to 250 words that can be entered into the text box under “Your custom question” in the job ad creation process.

e. We reserve the right to change the number of, or charge a fee for, Standard Screening Questions and Custom Screening Questions. We will provide notice of any such change by publishing the amended clause/s in these Terms 30 days prior to the change taking effect.

a. We may provide functionality to allow candidates to pre-fill application forms hosted by recruitment software providers with details from their SEEK / JobStreet / JobsDB candidate profile, helping candidates efficiently apply to roles you post (Pre-filled Applications Functionality).

b. If you manage applications through a recruitment software provider and that recruitment software provider has a Pre-filled Applications Functionality integration, you must use the Pre-filled Applications Functionality on your application form. This rule also applies should you move from a recruitment software provider that does not have an integration, to one that does.

a. Display advertising refers to our offering to promote your message and / or creative design, surfaced through banners or other ad formats (including text, images, html5 and video) (Display Advertising), on websites, apps and/or social media including but not limited to the platforms that are powered by the SEEK Group.

b. Unless we expressly allow otherwise, Display Advertising will only be permitted if it is aligned to employment or career related services, as assessed by us.

c. Any Display Advertising (including linked material) must not be harmful to the brand or reputation of the SEEK Group. All Display Advertising must comply with our advertising specifications, which will be provided on request.

d. We reserve the right to remove or withhold publication of any Display Advertisement if we believe on reasonable grounds that the creative design, the copy of the advertisement or the page to which the advertisement links does not comply with these Terms.

e. Consumption of contracted quantities of Display Advertising and impressions (and the like) will be calculated according to our ad serving platforms.

All our products and services, including those that are not expressly referred to in these Terms (such as Talent Search), are governed by the Advertising Terms of Use, which include any Additional Specific Terms (as defined in the Advertising Terms of Use).

These Terms are incorporated into the Advertising Terms of Use, which also apply to you. This means that relevant provisions in the Advertising Terms of Use (such as those relating to contracting parties and governing law) also apply to these Terms.


The following ad types are available for roles located in Australia: ⁠

⁠Classic Ad

a. A Classic Ad will display:

  • (when a Classic Ad is included within a candidate’s search results) the relevant role title for the ad and a brief description of the position you are advertising; and

  • (when selected by a candidate from search results) the full contents of the job ad.

b. Classic Ads are variably priced based on a number of factors, including the supply of and/or the demand for candidates for the role being advertised as well as the average salary and location of that role. Changes to these and other factors may cause the price of an ad to go up or down from time to time. Please see the ‘Ad Pricing’ section below for further information.

c. If you edit the role title, category or location of a Classic Ad after posting, the price of that ad may change. If the change results in a job ad price greater than what you were originally charged for your Classic Ad, the difference may either be:

  • charged to you separately when the changes are made – if the original ad was a casual ad not posted pursuant to an Ad Budget; or

  • deducted from the amount of your Ad Budget – if the original ad was posted pursuant to an Ad Budget. If your Ad Budget has been exhausted, you will be charged for the difference in the next invoice you receive under your agreement.

d. Other than changes to role title, category or location, your Classic Ad can be edited free of charge.

e. From time to time, we may repost your Classic Ad on the website/s of our related bodies corporate to increase the exposure of your ad. ⁠

StandOut Ad

f. A StandOut Ad entitles you to the features of a Classic Ad plus the following:

  • three text bullet points (“selling points”) displayed when the ad appears in a candidate’s search results; and

  • your logo on the ad (provided you have submitted a suitable electronic version of your logo for those purposes).

g. You must provide us with the necessary materials and information required to publish the StandOut Ad on the commencement date of the ad (i.e. selling points and logo). Failure to do so will result in the ad being published without some or all of the Standout Ad features.

h. We reserve the right to withhold publication of any logo or other imagery if we are not satisfied that you have the right to use the logo or imagery, or where we otherwise reasonably believe it is not appropriate to be displayed on our websites or apps.

i. All logos and other imagery must comply with our advertising specifications, which will be provided on request.

j. StandOut Ads are variably priced based on a number of factors, including the supply of and/or the demand for candidates for the role being advertised as well as the average salary and location of that role. Changes to these and other factors may cause the price of an ad to go up or down from time to time. Please see the ‘Ad Pricing’ section below for further information.

k. The editing rules relating to Classic Ads apply to StandOut Ads. ⁠

Premium Ad

l. A Premium Ad entitles you to the features of a Standout Ad plus increased exposure for your ad as described below.

m. During the period that a Premium Ad is live on our websites and apps, we take various measures to increase the exposure of your ad with the aim of obtaining, on average, more applications which would be received for your ad over a 30 day period compared to if you purchased a StandOut Ad. Such measures may include but are not limited to ads appearing more frequently on the job search results page on our websites and apps, in email communications to relevant candidates and on partner sites such as Jora. You acknowledge that the promotion measures employed by us, and the frequency of that promotion, are at our sole discretion. Please be aware that the promotion methods we employ may vary depending on the country in which your role is located.

n. Whilst Premium Ads receive greater exposure than other StandOut Ads on average, we provide no guarantee and make no representation that a Premium Ad will result in an increase in the number of applications received in response to that Premium Ad, and you acknowledge that application levels are influenced by many factors beyond our control.

o. Premium Ads are variably priced based on a number of factors, including the supply of and/or the demand for candidates for the role being advertised as well as the average salary and location of that role. Changes to these and other factors may cause the price of an ad to go up or down from time to time. Please see the ‘Ad Pricing’ section below for further information.

p. Once posted, a Premium Ad can be edited free of charge, however if you edit the characteristics of the ad (such as category and/or location), you acknowledge that the market conditions (on which we will have based the promotion strategy applicable to the ad) will likely change and that this may affect the number of applications your ad will receive. ⁠⁠

Concierge Ad

q. We may offer the Concierge ad type for select roles at our sole discretion. Please note that a reference to this product during the online ad selection process does not mean it is available for purchase at that point. Rather, you are invited to use the ‘contact us’ button provided and we will then discuss whether this ad type is available for your given role. ⁠r. A Concierge Ad entitles you to:

  • assistance in drafting an ad on the terms set out below; and

  • a Premium Ad for the relevant role once you confirm the content of the ad is approved (please refer to the terms above regarding the Premium Ad type).

s. If you purchase a Concierge Ad, we will prepare a first draft of your ad in accordance with your instructions and provide it to you for review. You may either:

  • approve the draft; or

  • request minor adjustments, amendments, or corrections to the draft ad as long as such changes do not materially alter the overall content of the ad (as determined by us, acting reasonably; Minor Changes). This will result in a Revised Draft Ad.

t. If a Revised Draft Ad is prepared by us, it will be provided to you for further review and you may either:

  • approve the Revised Draft Ad; or

  • request further Minor Changes to the Revised Draft Ad.

u. If you have requested further Minor Changes to the Revised Draft Ad, we will provide you with a final draft of your ad (Final Ad). As long as we have assisted in a competent manner in accordance with these Terms (as determined by us, acting reasonably):

  • you will not be entitled to request or make further changes to the Final Ad; and

  • you will not be entitled to a refund or any other compensation in the event you are unsatisfied with the Final Ad.

v. We may provide you with timing estimates relating to the ad drafting and review process. These are only estimates which we will try to meet on a best endeavours basis. Failure to meet any estimates will not entitle you to a refund or any other compensation. ⁠w. You must provide all the information we request during the ad drafting and review process in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in delays in posting your ad on our websites and apps. You will not be entitled to a refund or any other compensation due to delays in these circumstances.

x. We do not represent or guarantee that a Concierge Ad will result in a successful hiring outcome.

y. Private Advertisers are not eligible to purchase a Concierge Ad. By purchasing a Concierge Ad, you must agree to display the identity of your business and use your branding (including logo) in order for us to promote the ad.

z. Concierge Ads are not currently variably priced. However, we reserve the right to vary the price of Concierge Ads at any time in our sole discretion (which may include implementing variable pricing). Please see the ‘Ad Pricing’ section below for further information.

aa. You will be required to pay for your Concierge Ad in full before we commence the drafting process. ⁠

Guaranteed Hire Ad

ab. We may offer the Guaranteed Hire ad type for select roles at our sole discretion. Please note that a reference to this product during the online ad selection process does not mean it is available for purchase at that point. Rather, you are invited to use the ‘contact us’ button provided and we will then discuss whether this ad type is available for your given role.

ac. A Guaranteed Hire Ad entitles you to the features of a Concierge Ad (see terms above) plus a “Money Back Promise” on the terms set out below.

ad. Guaranteed Hire Ads are not currently variably priced. However, we reserve the right to vary the price of Guaranteed Hire Ads at any time in our sole discretion (which may include implementing variable pricing). Please see the ‘Ad Pricing’ section below for further information.

ae. You will be required to pay for your Guaranteed Hire Ad in full before we commence the drafting process. ⁠Money Back Promise for Guaranteed Hire Ads

af. If you purchase a Guaranteed Hire Ad and do not hire (as defined below) a candidate for the advertised role within 4 weeks after the expiry date of the ad, we will provide you with a full refund subject to the following terms.

Eligibility to claim a refund

ag. To be eligible to claim a refund on a Guaranteed Hire Ad, you:

  • must not, from the date your Guaranteed Hire Ad was first posted until the conclusion of 4 weeks after expiry of your ad (the Hire Period), have been able to hire a candidate for the advertised position;

  • must comply with our Advertising Terms of Use and Product Terms and Conditions at all times;

  • must have used your best endeavours to locate a suitable candidate during the Hire Period; and

  • must have completed the Claim Form and undergone the claims process set out below.

ah. A candidate will be taken to have been hired during the Hire Period if they have accepted an offer for the position advertised irrespective of whether that:

  • candidate has actually commenced employment during the Hire Period;

  • candidate was hired via our websites or an alternative source; or

  • candidate's employment subsequently ceases for any reason.

ai. Our decision to offer the Guaranteed Hire Ad product (and the associated Money Back Promise) is based on factors such as role type and location, as well as how the ad is drafted. You may not be entitled to the “Money Back Promise” if you amend the details of an ad (including but not limited to the ad content we draft for you, the role type and/or location) without our consent.

Making a claim for a refund

aj. If you believe that you are eligible to claim a refund in respect of a Guaranteed Hire Ad, you must:

  • email [email protected] within 28 days of the conclusion of the Hire Period requesting a Guaranteed Hire Claim Form (Claim Form); and

  • return to us a complete and correct Claim Form. The Claim Form will ask you to certify (amongst other things) that you have not hired a candidate for the advertised position during the Hire Period.

ak. When you submit a complete Claim Form, we will provide you with a response regarding any refund entitlement within 20 business days from the date on which we received the Claim Form.

al. We reserve the right to request that you provide evidence necessary to substantiate that you have:⁠

  • not hired a candidate for the advertised position during the Hire Period; and

  • used your best endeavours during the Hire Period to locate a suitable candidate.

am. If we are not reasonably satisfied with the evidence you provide in relation to a claim, we will not be obligated to provide you with a refund.

an. You warrant that all information provided by you in a Claim Form is true and correct.

⁠ao. If your claim for a refund is successful, we will refund the full price paid for the Guaranteed Hire Ad.

ap. Refunds will normally be paid to you within 20 business days of: (a) us confirming you are eligible for the refund; and (b) you providing any information required by us to pay the refund.

aq. Other than in the circumstances specified in these Terms, Guaranteed Hire Ads are non-refundable.

ar. If you claim the Money Back Promise, you cannot purchase another Guaranteed Hire Ad for the same (or a substantially similar) role for a period of 6 months from the expiry of your previous ad. ⁠

Ad Pricing

as. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Boosted Job Ad Terms

a. A “Boost” means that we (with the assistance of third parties) will promote your Eligible Job Ad (as defined in sub-clause (b) below) across a range of external websites and apps outside of the SEEK platform (External Promotion). We will determine the audience and presentation of the External Promotion (including imagery) in our sole discretion.

b. An “Eligible Job Ad” means a StandOut Ad or a Premium Ad which will automatically receive a Boost in accordance with your Ad Boosting Rules (as defined in sub-clause (c) below). To be an Eligible Job Ad, the role must be located in Australia or New Zealand and the job ad must include your logo. 

c. An Eligible Job Ad will only be Boosted once from the time of posting. If you refresh the same Eligible Job Ad for another 30 days, it will not be Boosted for a second time. A fresh Eligible Job Ad will need to be purchased and posted on our websites and apps to receive a new Boost.  

d. A Boost can only be applied in accordance with your selected “Ad Boosting Rules”. Ad Boosting Rules are the parameters within which your Eligible Job Ads will automatically receive a Boost after being posted on our websites and apps. You must select your Ad Boosting Rules from the options we make available on the SEEK Ad Boosting Rules Setup Form (please contact your account manager for the SEEK Ad Boosting Rules Setup Form). You will not be able to Boost an individual job ad on an ad hoc basis (unless it complies with the Ad Boosting Rules) or create other customised Ad Boosting Rules not approved by us.

e. Ad Boosting Rules will not be automatically applied across a SEEK employer account hierarchy. Please submit a SEEK Ad Boosting Rules Setup Form for each ‘parent’ and ‘child’ SEEK employer account for which you would like to apply Ad Boosting Rules. 

f. Your Ad Boosting Rules will be applied indefinitely. You may request a cancellation or an amendment to your Ad Boosting Rules at any time, provided such amendment or cancellation aligns with sub-clause (d). You may elect to have the cancellation or amendment take effect as soon as possible or at a future point in time (Date of Change). To initiate the cancellation or amendment, you should contact your account manager and provide at least 5 business days’ notice prior to the Date of Change (or shorter notice period at our sole discretion). All Eligible Job Ads will continue to automatically receive a Boost in accordance with your existing Ad Boosting Rules until the Date of Change (including the notice period). Once the cancellation or amendment is processed, we will send you a confirmation email. 

g. A Boost will usually begin within three business days of posting your Eligible Job Ad on our websites and apps and the Boost will continue for up to seven days (Boost Period). The exact length of a Boost Period will depend on several factors including the level of engagement with your External Promotion. 

h. A user will be linked back to your Eligible Job Ad on SEEK’s platform if they click on the External Promotion. The External Promotion will not be linked to any other site or application (e.g. a careers’ pages or applicant tracking system).

i. You acknowledge the following:

  • SEEK’s Ad Centre will not state which job ads have received a Boost. A list of all job ads that have received a Boost (in accordance with your Ad Boosting Rules) will be sent to you monthly.

  • SEEK Analytics will not provide information relating to Boost activity or performance. Performance reporting will instead be provided to you in a monthly email.

j. If you edit your underlying Eligible Job Ad during a Boost Period: 

  • the job ad may no longer qualify as an Eligible Job Ad, in which case the Boost will be cancelled, and you will not be entitled to any refund; 

  • there will be a delay in relevant changes being reflected in the External Promotion; and

  • such editing may negatively affect the performance of the Boost and the External Promotion.

k. We do not own any pre-existing intellectual property owned by you (an example of which may be your company logo). However, you agree to provide us with a perpetual, non-transferable, royalty free licence to use your intellectual property in the External Promotion. If you withdraw this licence, we may be unable to provide this add-on. Other than your pre-existing intellectual property, we own all intellectual property rights associated with the External Promotion.

l. You acknowledge that third parties may have the ability to post comments or other content in response to your External Promotion (Third Party Responses). You agree that SEEK shall not have any responsibility in relation to Third Party Responses. To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to release us from, and indemnify us against, any action relating to Third Party Responses.

m. You may not cancel a Boost to an Eligible Job Ad during the Boost Period. 

n. The fee for each Boost to each Eligible Job Ad (Boosted Ad Fee) is specified on the SEEK Ad Boosting Rules Setup Form. We reserve the right to adjust the Boosted Ad Fee from time to time. We will provide you with at least 30 days’ prior notice of any fee changes, which will allow you time to cancel your Ad Boosting Rules in accordance with these Boosted Job Ad Terms before the price change becomes effective. 

o. If you have an Australian Ad Budget (as defined in clause 3 of the ‘Australia’ section), you agree that the Boosted Ad Fee will be deducted from the amount of your Australian Ad Budget at the time of the Boost. Any discounts stated in your Advertising Agreement, will not be applicable to the Boosted Ad Fee. All the terms relating to your Australian Ad Budget will continue to apply (see clauses 3 and 4 of the ‘Australia’ section below), including instances where the cost of a Boost will cause you to exceed your Australian Ad Budget. 

p. If you do not have an Australian Ad Budget (e.g. if you post ads on a casual basis without an Ad Budget), you will be casually invoiced for each Boosted Ad Fee either the day after the Boost or at the start of each calendar month, in accordance with your SEEK employer account’s invoicing arrangement. All invoices will be payable within 14 days.

q. We do not guarantee or represent that a Boost and the associated External Promotion will result in an increase in the number of applications to the Eligible Job Ad. You acknowledge that job application levels are influenced by many factors beyond our control.

r. We reserve the right to cease offering the Boosted Job Ad add-on by providing you with at least 15 days’ prior notice.

Urgent Add-On Terms

a. We offer you the option to select and pay for an add-on feature, ‘Immediate Start’ badge when you post an ad on our websites and apps (Urgent Add On).

b. By purchasing an Urgent Add On, your ad will display the ‘Immediate Start’ badge in relevant candidate search results. An Urgent Add On will be visual only, and will not otherwise change the features or other functionality of the ad. An Urgent Add On will not change where your ad will appear in relevant candidate search results. All the terms of your ad will remain unchanged.

c. An Urgent Add On can only be purchased at the time when you select to post an ad. An Urgent Add On cannot be purchased after your ad has already been posted on our websites and apps.

d. If you upgrade your ad to another ad type after you have already posted an ad with an Urgent Add On, the ‘Immediate Start’ badge will appear on your upgraded job ad and you will not be charged an additional fee.

e. Once an Urgent Add On has been purchased for an ad, you cannot remove an ‘Immediate Start’ badge. The badge will remain on your ad for the same duration the ad remains posted on our websites and apps.

f. The Urgent Add On is charged as a fixed fee as specified on our website at the time of your purchase.

g. If you do not have an Australian Ad Budget (as defined in clause 3 of the ‘Australia’ section) (e.g. if you post ads on a casual basis without an Australian Ad Budget), you will pay for the Urgent Add On fee via one of the following methods:

  • Credit card at checkout; or

  • You will be invoiced at the start of each calendar month. All invoices will be payable within 14 days.

Please refer to the ‘Payment’ section of the Advertising Terms of Use for more information.

h. If you have an Australian Ad Budget, you agree that the Urgent Add On fee (less any applicable discounts) will be deducted from the amount of your Australian Ad Budget. All the terms relating to your Australian Ad Budget will continue to apply, including instances where purchasing an Urgent Add On will cause you to exceed your Australian Ad Budget.

i. We reserve the right to cease offering the Urgent Add On at any time. Any ad with the ‘Immediate Start’ badge will continue to be displayed until the expiry or termination of that ad.

j. If you refresh your ad that has an ‘Immediate Start’ badge for another 30 days, you must purchase the Urgent Add On again and the ‘Immediate Start’ badge will be displayed until the expiry or termination of that refreshed ad. For clarity, you cannot refresh such ad without also refreshing the Urgent Add On.

a. Your Ad Budget is an “Australian Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in Australia (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Advertising Agreement is with SEEK Limited (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

⁠The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your Australian Ad Budget.

b. By agreeing to purchase an Australian Ad Budget, you are obliged to pay the amount of your Australian Ad Budget as a minimum investment regardless of whether or not:

  • you utilise the full value of the Australian Ad Budget during the term of your agreement; or

  • we terminate your Australian Ad Budget as a result of your material breach of our terms.

c. Any unused Australian Ad Budget amount (including any amount which may constitute a fraction of an ad) that is not used prior to the end of your Australian Ad Budget agreement will expire and cannot be refunded or rolled over into a subsequent agreement.

d. Your Australian Ad Budget allows you to post the ad types specified for that type of Australian Ad Budget (with applicable discounts) during the term of your agreement – see the “Ad Budget Types” section for more details. From on or around 15 October 2023, you may also use your Australian Ad Budget to purchase ads for roles located outside of Australia. From this date, you will be able to view available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) here:

e. If you have used the entire amount of your Flexible or Branded Ad Budget (as defined in clause 3 of the ‘Australia’ section) prior to the end of the term of your agreement, you may purchase additional products / services (as permitted under your Australian Ad Budget) at the agreed discounted rates until the end of your Australian Ad Budget agreement. You will be invoiced separately for these additional purchases, with payment due within 14 days of the date of such an invoice (unless specified otherwise). Please note that this clause does not apply to Premium Ad Budgets – your Premium Ad Budget agreement will conclude if your budget is fully consumed during the term.

f. If the remaining value of your Australian Ad Budget is less than the value of the product / services that you intend to purchase, you will be able to use this remaining dollar amount towards any products / services that can be purchased with your Australian Ad Budget prior to the end of the term of your Australian Ad Budget agreement and you will be invoiced for any shortfall.

g. By posting an ad on our websites and apps, you agree to the price of that job ad, as at the time of posting (including any applicable discount), being deducted from the amount of your Australian Ad Budget. Where purchasing a product / service will cause you to exceed your Australian Ad Budget, you will incur additional charges for that product / service, which will be invoiced separately.

h. Your Australian Ad Budget is valid for the term specified in your agreement unless concluded earlier as set out in your agreement. If you have purchased an Australian Ad Budget online, your Australian Ad Budget:

  • will be valid for the period stated on our relevant webpage/s during the purchase process; and

  • will become active from the purchase date if you do not have an existing Advertising Agreement with us under the relevant account. If you have an existing Advertising Agreement, your new Australian Ad Budget will become active once any pre-existing Australian Ad Budget has been exhausted or has expired.

i. The balance of your Australian Ad Budget at any point in time will be shown in the Advertiser Centre of your SEEK employer account or available from Customer Support.

j. In the case of online Australian Ad Budget purchases, you will be invoiced on the date of your purchase for the amount of your Australian Ad Budget. Payment is due 14 days from the date of that invoice. For Australian Ad Budgets not purchased online, you will be invoiced for your Australian Ad Budget as set out in your agreement.

k. If you intend to discontinue using our products / services at the expiry of the term of your Branded or Flexible Ad Budget agreement, you must notify us in writing of your intention to do so seven (7) days prior to the expiry. If you do not enter a new Branded or Flexible Ad Budget agreement or terminate your agreement with us and you continue to use our products / services beyond the expiry your agreement, then your agreement will automatically continue on the same terms for one (1) calendar month (Rollover Period) and you will be able to access the discount rates set out in your agreement. After the expiry of the Rollover Period, any products / services purchased will be charged to you at our then applicable casual rates. Please note that this clause does not apply to Premium Ad Budgets.

The following Australian Ad Budget types are available:

⁠Flexible Ad Budget

a. A Flexible Ad Budget may be used to post Classic, StandOut and Premium Ads for roles located in Australia at your discretion. Your Ad Budget may also be used on comparable ads for roles based outside of Australia (if any, as determined by us). We may also determine that your Ad Budget may be used to purchase other products / services from time to time.

⁠Branded Ad Budget

b. A Branded Ad Budget may be used to post StandOut and Premium Ads for roles located in Australia, at your discretion. Your Ad Budget may also be used on comparable ads for roles based outside of Australia (if any, as determined by us). We may also determine that your Ad Budget may be used to purchase other products / services from time to time.

⁠Premium Ad Budget (also known as a ‘SEEK Premium Pack’ / ‘SEEK Premium Ad Pack’)

c. A Premium Ad Budget may be used to post Premium Ads for roles located in Australia. Your Ad Budget may also be used on comparable ads for roles located outside of Australia (if any, as determined by us). We may also determine that your Ad Budget may be used to purchase other products / services from time to time.

d. The cost of Premium Ads (or comparable ads, if any, as determined by us) posted during the agreement term will first be deducted from your Premium Ad Budget. When your Premium Ad Budget has been exhausted, the cost of Premium Ads (or any comparable ads) posted will be deducted from the amount of your remaining Flexible or Branded Ad Budget (if any), and if that is exhausted, invoiced to you separately.

Hong Kong

a. The following ad types are available for roles located in Hong Kong:

  • Basic Ads;

  • Branded Ads;

  • Premium Ads;

  • Premium Plus Ads;

  • Lite Ads; and

  • Aggregated Ads.

Please refer to clause 1 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each ad type, except for “Premium Plus Ads” (please refer to clause 1 of the Indonesia section). ⁠

Ad Pricing

b. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Urgent Add-On Terms

a. Clauses 2a) to 2j) (inclusive) under the ‘Philippines’ ‘Urgent Add-On Terms’ section apply to Hong Kong employers with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Hong Kong’; and

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Hong Kong Ad Budget’.

a. Your Ad Budget is a “Hong Kong Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in Hong Kong (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Sales Agreement is with SAR Jobs DB Hong Kong Limited Co. No. 646180 (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your Hong Kong Ad Budget.

b. Clauses 2.b) to 2.j) (inclusive) under the Philippines section apply to your Hong Kong Ad Budget with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Hong Kong Ad Budget’;

  • all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Hong Kong’;

  • available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) can be viewed here:;

  • the reference in clause 2.d) to ‘15 October 2023’ is replaced with ‘21 January 2024’; and

  • the reference in clause 2.f) to ‘PHP’ is replaced with ‘HKD’.

The following Hong Kong Ad Budgets are available:

a. Flexible Ad Budget;

b. Branded Ad Budget; and

c. Premium Ad Budget.

Please refer to clause 3 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each Ad Budget Type, noting the following alterations:

d. all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Hong Kong Ad Budget’; and

e. all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Hong Kong’.


a. The following ad types are available for roles located in Indonesia:

  • Basic Ads;

  • Branded Ads;

  • Premium Ads;

  • Premium Plus Ads;

  • Lite Ads; and

  • Aggregated Ads.

Please refer to clause 1 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each ad type, except for “Premium Plus Ads” (please see below). ⁠

Premium Plus Ad

b. We may offer the Premium Plus ad type for select roles at our sole discretion. Please note that a reference to this product during the online ad selection process does not mean it is available for purchase at that point. Rather, you are invited to use the ‘contact us’ button provided and we will then discuss whether this ad type is available for your given role.

c. A Premium Plus Ad entitles you to:

  • assistance in drafting an ad on the terms set out below;

  • a Premium Ad for the relevant role once you confirm the content of the ad is approved (please refer to the terms regarding the Premium Ad type as defined in clause 1 of the Philippines section); and

  • assistance in screening and shortlisting candidates for you.

d. If you purchase a Premium Plus Ad, we will prepare a first draft of your ad in accordance with your instructions and provide it to you for review. You may either:

  • approve the draft; or

  • request minor adjustments, amendments, or corrections to the draft ad as long as such changes do not materially alter the overall content of the ad (as determined by us, acting reasonably; Minor Changes). This will result in a Revised Draft Ad.

e. If a Revised Draft Ad is prepared by us, it will be provided to you for further review and you may either:

  • approve the Revised Draft Ad; or

  • request further Minor Changes to the Revised Draft Ad.

f. If you have requested further Minor Changes to the Revised Draft Ad, we will provide you with a final draft of your ad (Final Ad). As long as we have assisted in a competent manner in accordance with these terms (as determined by us, acting reasonably):

  • you will not be entitled to request or make further changes to the Final Ad; and

  • you will not be entitled to a refund or any other compensation in the event you are unsatisfied with the Final Ad.

g. We may provide you with timing estimates relating to the ad drafting and review process. These are only estimates which we will try to meet on a best endeavours basis. Failure to meet any estimates will not entitle you to a refund or any other compensation.

h. You must provide all the information we request during the ad drafting and review process in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in delays in posting your ad on our websites and apps. You will not be entitled to a refund or any other compensation due to delays in these circumstances.

i. We do not represent or guarantee that a Premium Plus Ad will result in a successful hiring outcome.

j. Private Advertisers are not eligible to purchase a Premium Plus Ad. By purchasing a Premium Plus Ad, you must agree to display the identity of your business and use your branding (including logo) in order for us to promote the ad.

k. Premium Plus Ads are variably priced based on a number of factors, including the supply of and/or the demand for candidates for the role being advertised as well as the average salary and location of that role. Changes to these and other factors may cause the price of an ad to go up or down from time to time.

l. You will be required to pay for your Premium Plus Ad in full at the point of sale and before we commence the ad drafting process. ⁠

Ad Pricing

m. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Urgent Add-On Terms

a. Clauses 2a) to 2j) (inclusive) under the ‘Philippines’ ‘Urgent Add-On Terms’ section apply to Indonesian employers with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Indonesia’; and

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Indonesian Ad Budget’.

a. Your Ad Budget is an “Indonesian Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in Indonesia (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Sales Agreement is with PT JobStreet Indonesia NIB 8120017241723 (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your Indonesian Ad Budget.

b. Clauses 2.b) to 2.j) (inclusive) under the Philippines section apply to your Indonesian Ad Budget with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Indonesian Ad Budget’;

  • all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Indonesia’;

  • available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) can be viewed here:;

  • the reference in clause 2.d) to ‘15 October 2023’ is replaced with ‘19 November 2023’; and

  • the reference in clause 2.f) to ‘PHP’ is replaced with ‘IDR’.

The following Indonesian Ad Budgets are available:

a. Flexible Ad Budget;

b. Branded Ad Budget; and

c. Premium Ad Budget.

Please refer to clause 3 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each Ad Budget Type, noting the following alterations:

d. all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Indonesian Ad Budget’; and

e. all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Indonesia’.


a. The following ad types are available for roles located in Malaysia:

  • Basic Ads;

  • Branded Ads;

  • Premium Ads;

  • Premium Plus Ads;

  • Lite Ads; and

  • Aggregated Ads.

Please refer to clause 1 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each ad type, except for “Premium Plus Ads” (please refer to clause 1 of the Indonesia section). ⁠

Ad Pricing

b. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Urgent Add-On Terms

a. Clauses 2a) to 2j) (inclusive) under the ‘Philippines’ ‘Urgent Add-On Terms’ section apply to Malaysian employers with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Malaysia’; and

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Malaysian Ad Budget’.

a. Your Ad Budget is a “Malaysian Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in Malaysia (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Sales Agreement is with Agensi Pekerjaan Sdn. Bhd. Reg. No. 199701033623 (449122-K) (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your Malaysian Ad Budget.

b. Clauses 2.b) to 2.j) (inclusive) under the Philippines section apply to your Malaysian Ad Budget with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Malaysian Ad Budget’;

  • all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Malaysia’;

  • available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) can be viewed here:;

  • the reference in clause 2.d) to ‘15 October 2023’ is replaced with ‘19 November 2023’; and

  • the reference in clause 2.f) to ‘PHP’ is replaced with ‘MYR’.

The following Malaysian Ad Budgets are available:

a. Flexible Ad Budget;

b. Branded Ad Budget; and

c. Premium Ad Budget.

Please refer to clause 3 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each Ad Budget Type, noting the following alterations:

d. all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Malaysian Ad Budget’; and

e. all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Malaysia’.

New Zealand

a. The following ad types are available for roles located in New Zealand:

  • Classic Ads;

  • StandOut Ads;

  • Premium Ads; and

  • Concierge Ads.

Please refer to clause 1 of the ‘Australia’ section for the terms and conditions of each ad type.

b. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Boosted Job Ad Terms   

a. Clauses 2.a) to 2.r) (inclusive) under the ‘Australia Boosted Job Ad Terms’ section apply to New Zealand employers with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Australian Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand Ad Budget’; and

  • all references to ‘Australia’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand’. 

Urgent Add-on Terms

a. Clauses 2a) to 2j) (inclusive) under the ‘Australia’ ‘Urgent Add-on Terms’ section apply to New Zealand employers with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Australian Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand Ad Budget’; and

  • all references to ‘Australia’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand’.

a. Your Ad Budget is a “New Zealand Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in New Zealand (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Advertising Agreement is with SEEK (NZ) Limited (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your New Zealand Ad Budget.

b. Clauses 2b) to 2k) (inclusive) under the ‘Australia’ section apply to New Zealand Ad Budgets with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Australian Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand Ad Budget’;

  • all references to ‘Australia’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand’; and

  • available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) can be viewed here:

The following New Zealand Ad Budgets are available:

a. Flexible Ad Budget;

b. Branded Ad Budget; and

c. Premium Ad Budget.

Please refer to clause 3 of the ‘Australia’ section for the terms and conditions of each Ad Budget Type, noting the following alterations:

d. all references to ‘Australian Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand Ad Budget’; and

e. all references to ‘Australia’ are replaced with ‘New Zealand’.


The following ad types are available for roles located in the Philippines:

⁠Basic Ad

a. A Basic Ad will display:

  • (when a Basic Ad is included within a candidate’s search results) the relevant role title, your logo and a brief description of the position you are advertising; and

  • (when selected by a candidate from search results) your logo and the full contents of the job ad.

b. You must provide us with the necessary materials and information required to publish the Basic Ad on the commencement date of the ad (e.g. your logo). Failure to do so will result in the ad being published without some features.

c. We reserve the right to withhold publication of any logo or other imagery if we are not satisfied that you have the right to use the logo or imagery, or where we otherwise reasonably believe it is not appropriate to be displayed on our websites or apps.

d. All logos and other imagery must comply with our advertising specifications, which will be provided on request.

e. Basic Ads are variably priced based on a number of factors, including the supply of and/or the demand for candidates for the role being advertised as well as the average salary and location of that role. Changes to these and other factors may cause the price of an ad to go up or down from time to time.

f. If you edit the role title, category or location of a Basic Ad after posting, the price of that ad may change. If the change results in a job ad price greater than what you were originally charged for your Basic Ad, the difference may either be:

  • charged to you separately when the changes are made – if the original ad was a casual ad not posted pursuant to an Ad Budget; or

  • deducted from the amount of your Ad Budget – if the original ad was posted pursuant to an Ad Budget. If your Ad Budget has been exhausted, you will be charged for the difference in the next invoice you receive under your agreement.

g. Other than changes to role title, category or location, your Basic Ad can be edited free of charge.

h. From time to time, we may repost your Basic Ad on the website/s of our related bodies corporate to increase the exposure of your ad.

⁠Branded Ad

i. A Branded Ad entitles you to the features of a Basic Ad plus:

  • three text bullet points (“selling points”) displayed when the ad appears in a candidate’s search results; and

  • the ability to display company images when the ad is selected by a candidate from search results.

j. You must provide us with the necessary materials and information required to publish the Branded Ad on the commencement date of the ad (i.e. selling points and logo). Failure to do so will result in the ad being published without some or all of the Branded Ad features.

k. We reserve the right to withhold publication of any logo or other imagery if we are not satisfied that you have the right to use the logo or imagery, or where we otherwise reasonably believe it is not appropriate to be displayed on our websites or apps.

l. All logos and other imagery must comply with our advertising specifications, which will be provided on request.

m. Branded Ads are variably priced based on a number of factors, including the supply of and/or the demand for candidates for the role being advertised as well as the average salary and location of that role. Changes to these and other factors may cause the price of an ad to go up or down from time to time.

n. The editing rules relating to Basic Ads apply to Branded Ads.

⁠Premium Ad

o. A Premium Ad entitles you to the features of a Branded Ad plus increased exposure for your ad as described below.

p. During the period that a Premium Ad is live on our websites and apps, we take various measures to increase the exposure of your ad with the aim of obtaining, on average, more applications which would be received for your ad over a 30 day period compared to if you purchased a Branded Ad. Such measures may include but are not limited to ads appearing more frequently on the job search results page on our websites and apps, in email communications to relevant candidates and on partner sites such as Jora. You acknowledge that the promotion measures employed by us, and the frequency of that promotion, are at our sole discretion. Please be aware that the promotion methods we employ may vary depending on the country in which your role is located.

q. Whilst Premium Ads receive greater exposure than Branded Ads on average, we provide no guarantee and make no representation that a Premium Ad will result in an increase in the number of applications received in response to that Premium Ad, and you acknowledge that application levels are influenced by many factors beyond our control.

r. Premium Ads are variably priced based on a number of factors, including the supply of and/or the demand for candidates for the role being advertised as well as the average salary and location of that role. Changes to these and other factors may cause the price of an ad to go up or down from time to time.

s. Once posted, a Premium Ad can be edited free of charge, however if you edit the characteristics of the ad (such as category and/or location), you acknowledge that the market conditions (on which we will have based the promotion strategy applicable to the ad) will likely change and that this may affect the number of applications your ad will receive.

⁠Lite Ad

t. We may offer the Lite Ad type for select roles at our sole discretion.

u. A Lite Ad is a free, low performance ad type that will display:

  • (when a Lite Ad is included within a candidate’s search results) the relevant role title of the position you are advertising; and

  • (when selected by a candidate from search results) the full contents of the job ad.

v. As the Lite Ad type is a free product, we reserve the right to do the following at any time without notice:

  • amend any of the product features; or

  • cease to offer the ad type.

For the avoidance of doubt, the variation of terms provisions in the Advertising Terms of Use do not apply to Lite Ads.

w. Our decision to offer the Lite Ad product is based on factors such as role type and location. If you change the details of your Lite Ad after posting, we may immediately remove your ad from our websites and apps without notice.

x. From time to time, we may repost your Lite Ad on the website/s of our related bodies corporate to increase the exposure of your ad.

⁠Aggregated Ad

y. We may re-post your ads from other sources (such as your careers webpage) on our websites and apps free of charge (Aggregated Ads).

z. Aggregated ads are a low performance ad type that will display like a Lite Ad type (see above).

aa. As the Aggregated Ad type is a free product, we reserve the right to do the following at any time without notice:

  • amend any of the product features; or

  • cease to offer the ad type.

For the avoidance of doubt, the variation of terms provisions in the Advertising Terms of Use do not apply to Aggregated Ads.

bb. From time to time, we may repost your Aggregated Ad on the website/s of our related bodies corporate to increase the exposure of your ad.

⁠Ad Pricing

cc. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Urgent Add-On Terms

a. We offer you the option to select and pay for an add-on feature, ‘Urgently Hiring’ badge when you post an ad on our websites and apps (Urgent Add On).

b. By purchasing an Urgent Add On, your ad will display the ‘Urgently Hiring’ badge in relevant candidate search results. An Urgent Add On will be visual only, and will not otherwise change the features or other functionality of the ad. An Urgent Add On will not change where your ad will appear in relevant candidate search results. All the terms of your ad will remain unchanged.

c. An Urgent Add On can only be purchased at the time when you select to post an ad. An Urgent Add On cannot be purchased after your ad has already been posted on our websites and apps.

d. If you upgrade your ad to another ad type after you have already posted an ad with an Urgent Add On, the ‘Urgently Hiring’ badge will appear on your upgraded job ad and you will not be charged an additional fee.

e. Once an Urgent Add On has been purchased for an ad, you cannot remove an ‘Urgently Hiring’ badge. The badge will remain on your ad for the same duration the ad remains posted on our websites and apps.

f. The Urgent Add On is charged as a fixed fee as specified on our website at the time of your purchase.

g. If you do not have a Filipino Ad Budget (as defined in clause 3 of the Philippines section) (e.g. if you post ads on a casual basis without a Filipino Ad Budget), you will pay for the Urgent Add On fee via one of the following methods:

  • Credit card at checkout; or

  • You will be invoiced at the start of each calendar month. All invoices will be payable within 14 days.

Please refer to the ‘Payment’ section of the Advertising Terms of Use for more information.

h. If you have a Filipino Ad Budget, you agree that the Urgent Add On fee (less any applicable discounts) will be deducted from the amount of your Filipino Ad Budget. All the terms relating to your Filipino Ad Budget will continue to apply, including instances where purchasing an Urgent Add On will cause you to exceed your Filipino Ad Budget.

i. We reserve the right to cease offering the Urgent Add On at any time. Any ad with the ‘Urgently Hiring’ badge will continue to be displayed until the expiry or termination of that ad.

j. If you refresh your ad that has an ‘Urgently Hiring’ badge for another 30 days, you must purchase the Urgent Add On again and the ‘Urgently Hiring’ badge will be displayed until the expiry or termination of that refreshed ad. For clarity, you cannot refresh such ad without also refreshing the Urgent Add On.

a. Your Ad Budget is a “Filipino Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in the Philippines (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Advertising Agreement is with Philippines, Inc. (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your Filipino Ad Budget.

b. By agreeing to purchase a Filipino Ad Budget, you are obliged to pay the amount of your Filipino Ad Budget as a minimum investment regardless of whether or not:

  • you utilise the full value of the Filipino Ad Budget during the term of your agreement; or

  • we terminate your Filipino Ad Budget as a result of your material breach of our terms.

c. Any unused Filipino Ad Budget amount (including any amount which may constitute a fraction of an ad) that is not used prior to the end of your Filipino Ad Budget agreement will expire and cannot be refunded or rolled over into a subsequent agreement.

d. Your Filipino Ad Budget allows you to post the ad types specified for that type of Filipino Ad Budget (with any applicable discounts) and/or purchase additional products / services as specified by us during the term of your agreement – see the “Ad Budget Types” section for more details. From on or around 15 October 2023, you may also use your Filipino Ad Budget to purchase ads for roles located outside of the Philippines. From this date, you will be able to view available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) here:;

e. If you have used the entire amount of your Flexible or Branded Ad Budget (as defined in clause 3 of the 'Philippines' section) prior to the end of the term of your agreement, you may purchase additional products / services (as permitted under your Filipino Ad Budget) at the agreed discounted rates until the end of your Filipino Ad Budget agreement. You will be invoiced separately for these additional purchases, with payment due within 14 days of the date of such an invoice (unless specified otherwise). Please note that this clause does not apply to Premium Ad Budgets – your Premium Ad Budget agreement will conclude if your budget is fully consumed during the term.

f. If the remaining value of your Filipino Ad Budget is less than the value of the product / services that you intend to purchase, you will be able to use this remaining PHP amount towards any products / services that can be purchased with your Filipino Ad Budget prior to the end of the term of your Filipino Ad Budget agreement and you will be invoiced for any shortfall.

g. By posting an ad on our websites and apps, you agree to the price of that job ad, as at the time of posting (including any applicable discount), being deducted from the amount of your Filipino Ad Budget. Where purchasing a product / service will cause you to exceed your Filipino Ad Budget, you will incur additional charges for that product / service, which will be invoiced separately.

h. Your Filipino Ad Budget is valid for the term specified in your agreement unless concluded earlier as set out in your agreement. If you have purchased a Filipino Ad Budget online, your Filipino Ad Budget:

  • will be valid for the period stated on our relevant webpage/s during the purchase process; and

  • will become active from the purchase date if you do not have an existing Sales Agreement with us under the relevant account. If you have an existing Sales Agreement, your new Filipino Ad Budget will become active once any pre-existing Filipino Ad Budget has been exhausted or has expired.

i. The balance of your Filipino Ad Budget at any point in time will be shown in your employer account or available from Customer Support.

j. In the case of online Filipino Ad Budget purchases, you will be invoiced on the date of your purchase for the amount of your Filipino Ad Budget. Payment is due 14 days from the date of that invoice. For Filipino Ad Budgets not purchased online, you will be invoiced for your Filipino Ad Budget as set out in your Sales Agreement.

The following Filipino Ad Budget types are available:

Flexible Ad Budget

a. A Flexible Ad Budget may be used to post Basic, Branded and Premium Ads for roles located in the Philippines at your discretion. Your Ad Budget may also be used on comparable ads for roles based outside of the Philippines (if any, as determined by us). We may also determine that your Ad Budget may be used to purchase other products / services from time to time.

Branded Ad Budget

b. A Branded Ad Budget may be used to post Branded and Premium Ads for roles located in the Philippines, at your discretion. Your Ad Budget may also be used on comparable ads for roles based outside of the Philippines (if any, as determined by us). We may also determine that your Ad Budget may be used to purchase other products / services from time to time.

Premium Ad Budget

c. A Premium Ad Budget may be used to post Premium Ads for roles located in the Philippines. Your Ad Budget may also be used on comparable ads for roles located outside of the Philippines (if any, as determined by us). We may also determine that your Ad Budget may be used to purchase other products / services from time to time.

d. The cost of Premium Ads (or comparable ads, if any, as determined by us) posted during the agreement term will first be deducted from your Premium Ad Budget. When your Premium Ad Budget has been exhausted, the cost of Premium Ads (or any comparable ads) posted will be deducted from the amount of your remaining Flexible or Branded Ad Budget (if any), and if that is exhausted, invoiced to you separately.


a. The following ad types are available for roles located in Singapore:

  • Basic Ads;

  • Branded Ads;

  • Premium Ads;

  • Premium Plus Ads;

  • Lite Ads; and

  • Aggregated Ads.

Please refer to clause 1 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each ad type, except for “Premium Plus Ads” (please refer to clause 1 of the Indonesia section). ⁠

Ad Pricing

b. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Urgent Add-On Terms

c. Clauses 2a) to 2j) (inclusive) under the ‘Philippines’ ‘Urgent Add-On Terms’ section apply to Singaporean employers with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Singapore’; and

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Singaporean Ad Budget’.

a. Your Ad Budget is a “Singaporean Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in Singapore (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Sales Agreement is with Pte. Ltd. UEN: 199904130N (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your Singaporean Ad Budget.

b. Clauses 2.b) to 2.j) (inclusive) under the Philippines section apply to your Singaporean Ad Budget with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Singaporean Ad Budget’;

  • all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Singapore’;

  • available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) can be viewed here:;

  • the reference in clause 2.d) to ‘15 October 2023’ is replaced with ‘19 November 2023’; and

  • the reference in clause 2.f) to ‘PHP’ is replaced with ‘SGD’.

The following Singaporean Ad Budgets are available:

a. Flexible Ad Budget;

b. Branded Ad Budget; and

c. Premium Ad Budget.

Please refer to clause 3 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each Ad Budget Type, noting the following alterations:

d. all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Singaporean Ad Budget’; and

e. all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Singapore’.


a. The following ad types are available for roles located in Thailand:

  • Basic Ads;

  • Branded Ads;

  • Premium Ads;

  • Premium Plus Ads;

  • Lite Ads; and

  • Aggregated Ads.

Please refer to clause 1 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each ad type, except for “Premium Plus Ads” (please refer to clause 1 of the Indonesia section). ⁠

Ad Pricing

b. It is your responsibility to look up the price of a job ad before purchasing, especially noting that some ad types are variably priced. The price of a job ad at a point in time may be viewed in these ways:

Important note: The cost of a job ad may not be displayed at the point of purchase if you are not using our website to directly post your ad (e.g. you are using third party software), so you should use the above price checker tool to look up the current price prior to purchasing.

Urgent Add-On Terms

a. Clauses 2a) to 2j) (inclusive) under the ‘Philippines’ ‘Urgent Add-On Terms’ section apply to Thailand employers with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Thailand’; and

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Thailand Ad Budget’.

a. Your Ad Budget is a “Thailand Ad Budget” if:

  • the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in Thailand (for Ad Budgets purchased online); or

  • your Sales Agreement is with Jobs DB Recruitment (Thailand) Limited Reg. No. 0105542073068 (for Ad Budgets purchased through our Sales team).

The purchasing method available to you will depend on the size of your Thailand Ad Budget.

b. Clauses 2.b) to 2.j) (inclusive) under the Philippines section apply to your Thailand Ad Budget with the following alterations:

  • all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Thailand Ad Budget’;

  • all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Thailand’;

  • available ad types and current prices (including any applicable discount) can be viewed here:;

  • the reference in clause 2.d) to ‘15 October 2023’ is replaced with ‘21 January 2024’; and

  • the reference in clause 2.f) to ‘PHP’ is replaced with ‘THB’.

The following Thailand Ad Budgets are available:

a. Flexible Ad Budget;

b. Branded Ad Budget; and

c. Premium Ad Budget.

Please refer to clause 3 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each Ad Budget Type, noting the following alterations:

d. all references to ‘Filipino Ad Budget’ are replaced with ‘Thailand Ad Budget’; and

e. all references to ‘the Philippines’ are replaced with ‘Thailand’.

All other countries

The ad types available for roles located in Other Countries will be presented at the time of purchase. Please refer to clause 1 of the Philippines section for the terms and conditions of each ad type (noting that not all will be available).

If the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in China, Macau or Taiwan, your Ad Budget will be classified as a “Hong Kong Ad Budget” unless otherwise agreed (please see refer to clauses 2 and 3 of the Hong Kong section).

If the business address recorded in your employer account with us is in any Other Country excluding China, Macau or Taiwan, your Ad Budget will be classified as an “Australian Ad Budget” unless we agree otherwise (please see refer to clauses 2 and 3 of the Australia section).