Clinic Assistant

Clinic Assistant

*Note to recruiting managers: the sample job description below can easily be customised and advertised on JobStreet. You may use other job titles in place of Clinic Assistant, you can find them by searching for similar roles on . Feel free to change the job specifications to meet your specific hiring needs.

<clinic name> is well-recognised in the industry in providing attentive, affordable, and quality healthcare. We do not just treat pain and symptoms, but get into the root cause of a particular health condition. If you’re keen for a fulfilling career in healthcare, speak with us.


  • Provide general clinical care for patients

  • Perform basic tests under the supervision of licensed personnel

  • Administer pre and post operative care to surgery patients

  • Communicate effectively with patients via phone, texts, and email

  • Manage reception, make appointments, and collecting payment

  • Other ad-hoc duties as assigned by doctor


  • Enjoy meeting people and customer oriented

  • Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply

  • Ability communicate well at all levels

  • Willing to travel for work

  • Proficient in <language 1>, <language 2>, and <language 3>

  • <academic requirements> in any field

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