Process Engineer

Process Engineer

*Note to recruiting managers: the sample job description below can easily be customised and advertised on JobStreet. You may use other job titles in place of Process Engineer, you can find them by searching for similar roles on Feel free to change the job specifications to meet your specific hiring needs.

<company> is a rapidly growing manufacturer of <product> using <process>, making us a major player in the <industry>. Our production team needs <number> Process Engineers to support our production line in <location>.

Job Description

  • Research and develop materials for projects

  • Prepare process related documents such as work instructions for the management

  • Design experiments to investigate root causes for material issues

  • Investigate process and quality problems and devise long term solutions

  • Establish, improve, and maintain high SOP standards to reduce/eliminate operation variation

Job Requirements

  • Experience in <expertise 1>, <expertise 2>, and <expertise 3>

  • <number> years in manufacturing sector

  • Knowledge in Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, and ISO/TS standards

  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills

  • Pleasant personality, team player

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