Logistic Assistant

Logistic Assistant

*Note to recruiting managers: the sample job description below can easily be customised and advertised on JobStreet. You may use other job titles in place of Logistic Assistant, you can find them by searching for similar roles on th.jobsdb.com. Feel free to change the job specifications to meet your specific hiring needs.

<company name> is a well-known player in the <industry> since <year>. With our recent expansion, we’re hiring a logistic assistant to assist our haulage planner for our operations in <location>. Chosen candidates may expect <benefit 1>, <benefit 2>, and <benefit 3>.


  • Ensuring the smooth operations of receiving, return, and outbound shipments

  • Check local and incoming shipment documentations

  • Verify customs and duties declaration form

  • Liaising with headquarters to investigate and resolve disputes

  • Formulate loss prevention plans with CDC

  • Undertake paperwork like AWB / Invoice / Packing List and other relevant documentations.

  • Customs compliance and regulation knowledge of <industry> is a plus

  • Liaise with customers, drivers, ports, depots and other stakeholders


  • Working knowledge of Google Workspace or Microsoft Office

  • Willing to work weekends and public holidays

  • At least <number> years of experience in logistics

  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills

  • Extra Microsoft Excel skills like Pivot table and VlookUp are preferred

  • MInimum diploma / degree in <field>

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